These probiotics are amazing, but come with a hefty price tag. And today I got a packet with a lot of $5 off coupons for both the regular & the Junior. If anyone needs coupons please message me & I will mail you some! These are paper coupons so that can only be used IN store, and not online.
Ill keep this updated on how it's working for me. Hopefully it's all it's chalked up to be! :)
UPDATE 07/2017
I still have coupons. Although this is an old post please email me if you would like some [email protected] ... PLEASE make sure you email me. Some people just leave a comment on this post and I end up missing it. I want to help as many of you as I can so an email is the best way to touch base. Since these are paper coupons please email me with your address so I can ship them to you.