A few years ago I did a Random Act of Kindness project where each month I found someone in need and curated a surprise care package for them with the help of a family member or friend. They never found out it was me, unless the family member I worked with told them, but I preferred to stay anonymous. I did this for 12 months & it was a really incredible experience. I followed it up with Random Acts of Kindness - Part 2 the following year and took on two more recipients. I know how isolating it is to be sick with a chronic illness, and my heart is always hurting for those who are alone and struggling as well.
Then, as many of you know I had the big May Giveaway & that included $11,000+ of healthcare items that many of you received! It was an incredible experience, but I still want to do more.
So this year I wanted to try and rally this community of amazing warriors & see if we can help one family in need. If we can change the life of this one family struggling with Lyme Disease as a collective effort, how incredible would that be? And before you close out of this post, please hear me out. My goal is raise $1,000 and that means that even just donating $1 or $5 will collectively add up, and if you hear what this will go towards then I believe you will understand what a HUGE impact it will make.
I want to help a wonderful fellow warrior named Phoebe. I met Phoebe via the connections I made during the Giveaway, and we began to chat about our various stories and experiences with Lyme etc. I learned that she is a Mother to two amazing children who are sadly also ill (just like Phoebe is) with Lyme disease. She is divorced and has sadly had to put most of her money into a continuous legal battle on that end, and on top of that she lost her home to mold and had to leave every single bit of their possessions behind. She lost it all, and her children lost it all too. They are now sharing a small room in a relative's home as Phoebe tries to afford treatment for her children amidst rebuilding her life and fighting for custody.
Now Phoebe is not someone to outright ask for help from others. She tried for a very long time to get assistance from various Lyme grants for treatment for her children. Unfortunately, organizations like LymeLight Foundation require certain test results for them to give out Grants (as is the case with other orgs), and Phoebe does not have the funds to pay for these tests. I was the one who approached her and asked if she would allow me to try and help. If she could just get the 2 DNA Connextions tests ($500 each) for her 2 children then she could get the set up with LymeLight Foundation & that is her biggest goal. She never once asked for anything for herself, it was always about her children first and how she can get them the treatment that they need ASAP.
Phoebe created a GoFundMe about a month ago when someone else offered to help her and asked that she create one. However, when it got made that person backed out and it just sat there collecting internet dust. I asked her if she would be willing to have faith in me that through this amazing community of readers we might be able to rally together to help her. $1,000 is all she needs to get her children into treatment and help give them a chance at a healthy life. I KNOW that if everyone who reads this donates even $1 that we can achieve that. The GoFundMe is set at $5000 because the person who asked her to create it set that budget, but Phoebe is specifically asking for $1,000 (just to clarify). Please donate any amount you can, and further PLEASE share this. Share this post in groups, share it on social media, text it to friends, email it to family, etc. Whatever you can do on that end will help immensely.
You can read the full story about Phoebe HERE on her GoFundMe page, and if you want to speak to her personally please email me at [email protected] and I will gladly put you in touch.
- For every $1 Donation I will send you a handwritten note
- For every $15 or more Donation I will send you a handmade mini canvas artwork. NOT made with any paint, but rather metal elements (no glue, VOC's or fumes of any kind)
If you make a donation on either tier I will see on the GoFundMe, but in order for me to have your address you will need to email it to me. So once you're done with making the donation just email me at [email protected] and I will get your item out to you! I know that we can change the lives of these kids for the better, and Lyme Disease does NOT need to ruin their whole life. Together we can stop this, and we can made a difference.
Thank you,