Stop to look at the stars. Marvel at how brilliantly they dazzle, cushioning the brightness of the full moon. Remember how strong the effects of the moon can be, and think of those in pain cowering under their covers. Realize how remarkable it is that you can just take in the beauty of the night sky.
Savor the ice cream; the swirls of caramel & chocolate in a creamy vanilla gelato. Consume each bite slowly, remembering that doing so is not a given, it's a luxury.
Be nice to fellow drivers who might be a bit slow, or those who stop short on a yellow light causing you to be late. You don't know what they are going through. Perhaps they are in pain, perhaps they can't drive faster because their joints hurt and their head pounds, but they’re simply trying to make it home.
Take a walk at least once a week. Don't groan and grunt because it's chilly or you're not in the mood. Always go for a walk and take in the beauty of nature. Appreciate that your bones don't hurt with each step, and your heart doesn't pound so hard that you faint. Millions of people can't do what you're doing right now; relish it.
Never ever complain about the things that feel mundane. It's a privilege to take a shower every day and have the ability to do your own laundry. Put on a cheerful song or an audio book while you do the dishes, and simply be joyful in life's little things.
Trust your gut, always. It doesn’t matter what the masses have to say, you know your body and your soul better than any specialist in the world. If anything ever feels wrong follow your intuition until it leads to a resolution.
The job you have might frustrate you. It might force you to cancel plans or miss holidays, but never forget what it took to have that job/that career. Remember the years of school you fought through while ill, and the years of treatment which left you unable to form a coherent sentence or recall words. Remember all the times when your memory felt nonexistent, and even the idea of having a career one day seemed bleak and impossible. It was hard fought to have your job, so be endlessly thankful. You dreamt about this during so many days spent staring at the ceiling, wondering if you would ever be well again. If you are reading this, you are triumphant.
At one time you stood at the very core of life & felt it's heartbeat. You now know without a shadow of a doubt just how precious life truly is. You are molded and forever changed by the experiences you witnessed yourself, and within others. From others you learned lessons compounded of surprise, appreciation, exhaustion, & the enduring resolve of the human spirit. The human spirit has more fight in it than any army that has marched this earth. There is no obstacle that cannot be overcome if you have the will. Never forget that.
And most importantly above all, if you ever find yourself wanting to give up, don’t. You survived moments that felt unsurvivable, and because of that you are now unbreakable. Most people cannot say that they have looked death in the eyes and took on the challenge to keep going. It does not matter how bleak the forecast of life may look, always believe that nothing can stand in your way.