During the poll I asked patients to answer "Yes" if they have been formally diagnosed with the co-infection, and answer "Not yet, but suspected" if they have not been formally diagnosed, but strongly suspect it due to symptoms. I included that as an option because it is so hard to get conclusive testing for every last co-infection, and often times you or your Doctor may strongly suspect the presence of one before you are able to test. The dark blue represents the "Yes" responses, and the light blue on top are the "Suspected" cases.
The most commonly reported co-infection in polls across Twitter & this blog was Bartonella, followed in close second by Babesia. Thank you to everyone who voted in the polls on both platforms, I got an incredible response and had a really great sample size to work with. I hope this can also be informative to see the prevalence on a graph, and hopefully it can show the impact of how many layers "Lyme Disease" can truly have.