Amidst all the sadness which has attached itself to my soul, I push through it to reach a small glowing ball of what I call Hope. This Hope is small, but mighty. Although it's just a tiny flickering light, it shines through all the darkness and pain. This light breaks through the shadows of doubt, the weight on my shoulders, and the voice in my head telling me to give up. You see, Hope doesn't need to always be seen to be felt. That warmth in my heart, that tingle in my chest... It lets me know I'm alive. It let's me know that it won't let me go under. Like a lifeguard in treacherous waves, Hope saves me when I can't see a way out. It provides a buoy to float on just long enough to pick myself up and start feeling again.
Some days Hope might feel like it's in short supply, and almost obsolete. But it's there. All that matters is in that moment it's still there lighting it's flame in the darkness. Each flicker, no matter how small, signals to "keep going," "keep fighting." It tells you, "I will see you through. I will light your path through this long tunnel, just follow me. Stay with me. Don't give up on me now. We're almost there."