Fast forward to the end of 2015 and I came down with C Diff yet AGAIN. This time I got it from my Home Health nurse. She said a few of her patients had been dealing with it, and since she came from the homes of those patients into my home it was quite clear how I picked it up. Again, it just goes to show that all it takes is 1 single spore on my nurse's bag for me to catch it. When you are immune compromised with Lyme Disease you have got to be so overly cautious and careful. Even though we cleaned after my nurse left really well, it just took that 1 spore going unchecked to catch it. This time however I thought I could kick it fast by just going straight to FMT in the first place, but that did not work. I did about 10-15 FMT's and NONE of them stuck. I was taking Florastor and probiotics and did nothing differently than I did in 2013. I still to this day do not know why it did not work. I used the same donor, did it for days on a row, and followed every specific protocol. It is a complete mystery to me, but after 4 months of no success and lots of pain it led me to realize that I needed a new plan of attack.
I happen to be incredible intolerant to both of the antibiotics used for C.Diff, so that was not an option for me. This is when I decided to give the Deseret Biologicals C.Difficile series a try, since I had luck with their other series therapies in the past. I will say I was a bit pessimistic that these homeopathic vials would kick something as insidious and persistent as C.Diff, but I also knew that this stuff worked amazingly in the past, so I had hope.
For 2 months I was on this treatment. Each 'series' or box takes 1 month to complete, and I did 2 boxes (the required amount). Each series has 10 vials, and you take 1 vial under the tongue every 3 days. Each time I took a vial I had no bad side effects, and 1 great surprise, in that it stopped the diarrhea completely. It worked incredibly for calming things down in my gut, so much so that I could hardly wait to take the next dose! Some days I actually had to spread my 3 days out to 4 because it would constipate me so much. It might sound negative, but trust me when you have C.Diff it is a welcome surprise.
When I finished both series I waited a week and then re-tested for C.Diff. I was nervous because my colon still hurt in a funny way, which is very specific to C.Diff, however I did not know if it was just left over damage from the many months of carrying this pathogen, or if the bacteria was still there. I sent my stool in for an advanced culture, which looks for the antigens and if there is so much as 1 spore in the stool it will be found. I am happy to report that my test came back NEGATIVE! This series therapy, completely on its OWN eliminated the C.Diff from my colon. Completely. I actually cried tears of joy, because it was SO gentle, and so easy on my body (especially in comparison to antibiotics), and It really worked. I want to shout it from the rooftops!
For full transparency I did take these probiotics and Florastor as well, but I also take those in my every day life with or without C. Diff. When you have an infection like C. Diff it is even more imperative to re-populate with good bacteria. The probiotics I use are also special, because they are histamine reducing, which means it also helped a lot with general inflammation in my colon during this time. I wrote a whole post about it here if you're interested! Florastor has the ability to neutralize toxins A and B which are released from the C. Diff bacteria as it dies, and are the toxins which cause all the damage and pain in the colon. I think it is crucial to have Florastor on board as you are killing off the infection itself.
If you have C.Diff and it is not getting kicked with antibiotics then PLEASE ask your doctor for this! It is physician prescribed only, but it is completely homeopathic. It is incredible, I can not possibly say more good things about it. I finished this series back in February of 2016, and it is now June. I have been perfectly fine since then, and everything is going great thankfully!
If you are curious about how the series therapies work in the body, or the science behind it, here is an explanation I wrote up on how it is used for Lyme Disease. The same concept is happening here, just with C. Diff.
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask in the comments below. I hope this can be helpful for someone else who is struggling with C.Diff and at their wits end like I was.
God bless,